Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stop Motion Animation of Falling

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From the start I knew the best way to do this stop motion is to have all of the objects animated while placed on a flat top. This was the best idea that I could think of for this animation: two objects - a Legoman throwing a soccer ball into the air and a truck driving off a building making a parabolic arc. 

The Legoman part was simple but the truck took time to plan out. I had to start thinking about the perspective of the background and if the buildings and the legoman will look proportional to the truck in perspective. Then I measured out the speed that the truck will travel and drawn out the spacing on the board (check out the images). After I made the images from a camera, everything was imported to photoshop where the images were cleaned up and the final images were put together using the timeline on Adobe Flash. Most of the animation were shot on 2's and a few on 1's while this animation was running at 24 fps.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Video Analysis of Path of Action

This video reference is running at 30 FPS
You might need to view this video on full screen to see the plot points. Click the icon on the bottom right of the video frame.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Video Reference

This is a video reference of throwing an Amazon.com package into the air and catching it. 

Fourth Down at Half-time (image)